Dear Customer,
Welcome to the team of ULTRABASS PRO users and thank you very much for expressing your confidence in
BEHRINGER products by purchasing the EX1200.
It is one of my most pleasant tasks to write this letter to you, because it is the culmination of many months of
hard work delivered by our engineering team to reach a very ambitious goal: making an outstanding device that
will become a standard tool used by studios and PA companies. The task to design the
ULTRABASS PRO certainly meant a great deal of responsibility, which we assumed by focusing on you, the
discerning user and musician. It also meant a lot of work and night shifts to accomplish this goal. But it was
fun, too. Developing a product usually brings a lot of people together, and it’s a great feeling, when everybody
who participated in such a project can be proud of what we’ve achieved.
It is our philosophy to share our joy with you, because you are the most important member of the BEHRINGER
family. With your highly competent suggestions for new products you’ve greatly contributed to shaping our
company and making it successful. In return, we guarantee you uncompromising quality (manufactured under
ISO9000 certified management system) as well as excellent technical and audio properties at an extremely
favorable price. All of this will enable you to fully unfold your creativity without being hampered by budget
We are often asked how we can make it possible to produce such high-grade devices at such unbelievably low
prices. The answer is quite simple: it’s you, our customers! Many satisfied customers mean large sales
volumes, enabling us to get better conditions of purchase for components. Isn’t it only fair to pass this benefit
back to you? Because we know that your success is our success too!
I would like to thank all people whose help on “Project ULTRABASS PRO” has made it all possible. Everybody
has made very personal contributions, starting from the designers of the unit via the many staff members in our
company to you, the user of BEHRINGER products.
My friends, it’s been worth the trouble!
Thank you very much,
Uli Behringer
Professional, multi-purpose Bass Sound Enhancement system for stage and studio applications
Digital subharmonic synthesizer adds unbelievable bass power to your sound system
Perfect for discotheques, dance clubs, cinemas, theatres, sport & aerobic studios and your Hi-Fi system
Digital synthesis based on waveform analysis generates ultra-low frequencies for driving subwoofers
Releases untapped sonic resources and adds power to instruments, vocals and mixed program material
Waveform processor musically restores low frequencies normally lost in the recording process
Built-in limiter protects against low-frequency speaker over-excursion
Dynamic punch control adds breathtaking kick bass to your program material
Bass mode control allows you to fade over from “ultra-low” to “punchy” bass sounds
Subharmonics function allows you to choose between low and ultra-low subharmonics
Separate subwoofer output to connect a separate subwoofer system
Incorporates a switchable x-over to split off dangerous low frequencies from your club system
Precision output level and gain reduction LED displays provide clear visual indication of operation
Servo-balanced gold-plated XLR and 1/4" TRS inputs and outputs
Ultra low-noise 4580 audio operational amplifiers for outstanding sound performance
High-quality detented potentiometers and illuminated switches
Manufactured under ISO9000 certified management system
1. INTRODUCTION.....................................................................................................................6
1.1 The Design Concept........................................................................................................................ 6
1.2 Before You Begin ............................................................................................................................ 6
1.3 Control Elements ............................................................................................................................ 8
1.3.1 Front Panel ........................................................................................................................... 8
1.3.2 Rear Panel .......................................................................................................................... 10
2. APPLICATIONS .....................................................................................................................10
2.1 Systems without Subwoofer .......................................................................................................... 10
2.2 Systems with Subwoofer................................................................................................................11
2.3 Multiway Active System ................................................................................................................ 12
2.4 The ULTRABASS PRO in a Hi-Fi System ..................................................................................... 12
3. TECHNICAL BACKGROUND ..............................................................................................13
3.1 The Integrated Frequency Crossover ............................................................................................. 13
3.2 The Integrated Limiter.................................................................................................................... 13
4. INSTALLATION .....................................................................................................................14
4.1 Audio Connections ........................................................................................................................ 14
5. SPECIFICATIONS..................................................................................................................15
6. WARRANTY ...........................................................................................................................16
Thank you very much for expressing your confidence in BEHRINGER products by purchasing the
ULTRABASS PRO EX1200. The BEHRINGER ULTRABASS PRO is a completely new subharmonic
synthesizer based on digital technology for the generation and processing of low frequencies.
This manual first describes the terminology used, so that you can fully understand the
ULTRABASS PRO and its functions. Please read the manual carefully and keep it for future
1.1 The Design Concept
Why is there a need for a subharmonic synthesizer?
In many recordings, the low-frequency spectrum has been filtered deliberately or gets lost somewhere in the
transmission chain. In most cases, the recording medium is characterized by a limited dynamic range and
frequency response. Reproduction quality may also be adversely affected by a low-performance speaker
system. Thus, tape material, records and broadcast transmissions for example soon reach their limits, in
terms of frequency and amplitude range. Vital bass frequencies are therefore not reproduced. Very often, the
low frequencies are filtered deliberately to facilitate reproduction via small loudspeakers found in portable
radios, car systems etc. The recording lacks the essential bass emphasis and the resulting sonic image lacks
More bass power with the BEHRINGER ULTRABASS PRO
In contrast to simple bass boosting, the ULTRABASS PRO generates additional subharmonics, i.e., musically
relevant frequencies one or two octaves below the lowest frequency in the signal. This expands the frequency
spectrum both naturally and musically. Contrary to conventional designs, the ULTRABASS PRO is not a
so-called “bass booster” simply raising the lower frequency band in level, but uses completely new circuits
based on digital technology which filter specific bass frequencies from the program material and feed them to
the subharmonic synthesizer. With the aid of digital frequency shifting, the circuitry produces a new frequency
spectrum that is enlarged towards the bass end, with the signal shape of the generated low-range frequencies
being accurately synthesized on the original wave form. The result is a “dry” and exactly defined low-frequency
emphasis, without any “booming” or other disturbing side effects.
Protect your system with the integrated limiter
Bass frequencies provide the highest energy yield within the entire frequency spectrum. When reproducing
composite signals, both the power amplifiers and the loudspeakers are under extreme duress. Since
conventional bass frequency boosters do not compensate for this, the system is often overloaded with
disastrous results.
The ULTRABASS PRO incorporates the highly respected BEHRINGER limiter, which prevents clipping of the
generated bass signal in the subsequent system and thus protects it against overloading and damage. You
can perfectly limit the levels of bass generated by the EX1200 and the resulting maximum displacement of the
loudspeaker diaphragm, to fit the size and power rating of the system.
All-purpose application with the integrated crossover
The ULTRABASS PRO features two operational modes: in FULL RANGE mode the newly generated bass
frequencies are added to the original signal and are reproduced by the standard system. In 70 Hz SPLIT mode,
however, all frequencies below 70 Hz are removed, which clearly reduces the stress put on the system. The
actual bass frequencies are routed via the separate subwoofer output to a special low-range loudspeaker/
amplifier setup.
Turn your system into a “power station”
It is unbelievable how the ULTRABASS PRO adds power to your system. Whether it is the audio system in
discotheques and dance clubs, cinemas, theatres, PA systems, broadcast and TV stations, aerobic and
sports studios or simply your home stereo system, the ULTRABASS PRO will give you a new audio
experience. We are sure that you will enjoy your new BEHRINGER ULTRABASS PRO!
1.2 Before You Begin
Your BEHRINGER ULTRABASS PRO was carefully packed in the factory and the packaging is designed to
protect the unit from rough handling. Nevertheless, we recommend that you carefully examine the packaging
and its contents for any signs of physical damage, which may have occurred during transit.
If the unit is damaged, please do not return it to BEHRINGER, but notify your dealer and the
shipping company immediately, otherwise claims for damage or replacement may not be
granted. Shipping claims must be made by the consignee.
The BEHRINGER ULTRABASS PRO fits into one standard 19" rack unit of space. Please allow at least an
additional 4" depth for the connectors on the back panel.
Be sure that there is enough space around the unit for cooling and please do not place the ULTRABASS PRO
on high temperature devices such as power amplifiers etc. to avoid overheating.
Before you connect your ULTRABASS PRO to the mains, please make sure that your local
voltage matches the voltage required by the unit!
The fuse holder on the female mains connector has 3 triangular markers, with two of these triangles opposing
each other. Your ULTRABASS PRO is set to the operating voltage printed next to these markers, and can be
set to another voltage by turning the fuse holder by 180°. CAUTION: this instruction does not apply to
export models exclusively designed, e.g. for 115 V operation!
The mains connection of the ULTRABASS PRO is made by using the enclosed mains cable and a standard
IEC receptacle. It meets all of the international safety certification requirements.
Please make sure that all units have a proper ground connection. For your own safety, never
remove or disable the ground conductor of the unit or of the AC power cable.
As standard, the BEHRINGER ULTRABASS PRO is installed with electronically servo-balanced inputs and
outputs. The circuit design features automatic hum rejection for balanced signals, permitting trouble-free
operation even at the highest operating levels. Externally induced power-line hum, etc. is thus suppressed
effectively. The automatic servo function recognizes the presence of unbalanced connectors and adjusts the
nominal level internally to avoid level differences between the input and output signals (6 dB correction).
You will find additional information in chapter 4 “INSTALLATION”.
1.3 Control Elements
The BEHRINGER ULTRABASS PRO provides 5 illuminated push-button switches, 6 rotary controls, and 4
level displays. The ULTRABASS PRO is designed as a stereo processor and is therefore not suited to process
two different signals. The front of the ULTRABASS PRO is divided in three sections, each with its own function.
1.3.1 Front Panel
Fig. 1.2: ULTRABASS PRO front panel
POWER switch. This switch puts the ULTRABASS PRO into operation.
Digital Subharmonic Processor Section
POWER LED. This LED lights up to indicate that the unit is connected to a mains outlet and that the
unit is switched on.
With the PROCESS switch the signal to the subharmonics generator is switched on or off. If set to OUT,
the unit is in bypass mode. The crossover remains active but no harmonics are added to the signal i.e.,
the bass effect signal is neither sent to the main outputs nor to the subwoofer.
The X-OVER function and the SATELLITE LEVEL control are still active in bypass mode
FREQUENCY control. This control governs the highest frequency which is sent to the digital harmonics
processor. It thus affects the frequency range in which the ULTRABASS PRO works. This is one of the
main controls to influence the sound of the unit.
The DYNAMIC PUNCH control sets the threshold for the digital frequency shifter of the ULTRABASS
PRO. Signals below the threshold are not processed. With this control it is possible to prevent the
processing of rumble which is not part of the music signal. It is also possible to add depth and punch
just to the bass drum for instance.
ACTIVE LED. This LED lights up as soon as subharmonics are being generated. This depends on the
DYNAMIC PUNCH control settings.
The LOW/ULTRA-LOW switch sets the subharmonic processor to produce either normal low subharmonics
(1 octave) or ultra-low subharmonics (2 octaves). Use the ULTRA-LOW setting only if the used speaker
system can handle extremely low frequencies.
You can adjust the punch or warmth of the generated low frequencies with the BASS MODE control. If
the control is turned fully counterclockwise (ULTRA-LOW), only the produced subharmonics are sent to
the subwoofer and added to the satallite output (ULTRABASS switch in satellite section “ON”). As you
turn the control clockwise (PUNCH), the original low frequencies of the program material are gradually
added to the subharmonics, which gives the bass more power and “punch”. The optimum setting largely
depends on the program material and your personal sound perception. Never hesitate to experiment!
BASS LEVEL control. With this control you can determine the amount of added bass frequencies,
within a range from 0 (full attenuation) to 6 (max. effect). Please observe the power rating of your system!
BASS LEVEL meter. The amount of generated bass signal is shown by this meter.
Bass limiter section
The LIMITER IN / OUT switch activates or deactivates the bass limiter. The limiter’s task is to protect
the loudspeaker system against overloading. In particular, if the system has no separate subwoofer, the
level peaks need to be controlled so that extreme diaphragm displacement does not lead to speaker
THRESHOLD control. The limiter limits the level of the newly generated bass signal to the adjusted
value, the threshold control can be set within a range from 0 dB to “OFF” (limiter off).
The normal signal is not limited! To prevent damage to your speakers the same safety margin
with respect to the output level should be observed as with normal operation without the
GAIN REDUCTION meter. This meter indicates that the limiter has been put into operation and is
controlling the gain reduction. In this case, it might be wise to reduce the bass level with the LEVEL
control. It is also possible to use the limiter to create a desired effect. With the correct settings it is
possible to create a so-called loudness effect: At low volumes the ULTRABASS PRO creates additional
harmonics and extends the range of the used system and at higher volumes the limiter limits the strain
of the created subharmonics to free the maximum sound pressure level of the system.
Satellite section
The X-OVER function acts as a highpass filter in the stereo main path for use in combination with a
subwoofer. The activated highpass filter prevents the main speakers (now operating in a multiway active
system) from being overloaded by the generated low frequencies. If the X-OVER switch is set to SPLIT,
all low-range frequencies below 70 Hz are filtered in the stereo main path, and the newly generated low
frequencies are exclusively routed to the subwoofer via the subwoofer output.
However, if the X-OVER function is switched to FULL RANGE, the generated subharmonics can be
added to the original stereo signal by depressing the ULTRABASS switch. The low-frequency signal
remains present at the subwoofer output.
ULTRABASS switch. With the ULTRABASS switch the generated subharmonics can be led to the
satellite loudspeakers. This is usefull to create a smooth transition from subwoofer to satellite, or if no
subwoofer is used.
SATELLITE LEVEL control. This is the level control for the main speaker system in full range operation
and for the satellites in split (x-over) operation.
The level of added bass-frequencies present at the satellite output is not dependent on the
setting of the SATELLITE LEVEL control. Only the setting of the BASS LEVEL controls the level
of subhamonics.
LEFT / RIGHT OUTPUT LEVEL meter. With these level meters the left and right output level of the
ULTRABASS PRO can be monitored.
As mentioned before the ULTRABASS PRO has several controls which influence the sound characteristics of
the unit. The FREQUENCY, DYNAMIC PUNCH, SUBHARMONICS and BASS MODE controls change the
sound of the ULTRABASS PRO. The other controls govern how much of the effect is audible and how the unit
is connected. Please take the time to play around with the ULTRABASS PRO at home or “off line” to get the
feel of the possibilities it offers.
1.3.2 Rear Panel
Fig. 1.3: The rear panel layout of the ULTRABASS PRO
MAINS CONNECTION. Use the enclosed power cord to connect the unit to the mains. Please also note
the instructions given in the “INSTALLATION” chapter.
FUSE HOLDER / VOLTAGE SELECTOR. Please make sure that your local voltage matches the
voltage indicated on the unit, before you attempt to connect and operate the ULTRABASS PRO. Blown
fuses may only be replaced by fuses of the same type and rating.
SERIAL NUMBER. Please take the time to have the warranty card filled out completely by your dealer,
and return it within 14 days after the date of purchase, so as to be entitled to benefit from our extended
AUDIO IN. These are the audio inputs of the ULTRABASS PRO. Available on either balanced or
unbalanced TRS jacks or XLRs.
AUDIO OUT. These are the audio outputs of the ULTRABASS PRO. Also on either balanced or
unbalanced TRS jacks or XLRs.
SUBWOOFER OUT. This is the Subwoofer output for the connection of the subwoofer system. Again on
either balanced or unbalanced TRS jacks or XLRs.
2.1 Systems without Subwoofer
Fig. 2.1: The ULTRABASS PRO in a system without subwoofer
In this standard application, the ULTRABASS PRO is inserted between the mixer or the signal source and the
power amplifier. The newly generated low-range frequencies are added to the original signal and are reproduced
by the existing system.
Connect the ULTRABASS PRO to your system and set up the controls and switches as follows:
Dynamic Punch
Bass Mode
Bass Level
Satellite Level
Tab. 2.1: Start up settings
Now, depress the PROCESS switch and turn the DYNAMIC PUNCH control clockwise until the ACTIVE LED
lights up. Now turn the BASS LEVEL up until the desired low-range frequencies can be heard. Turn the
THRESHOLD control in the Bass Limiter Section counter-clockwise until the first two LEDs of the gain
reduction meter light up. By using the SUBHARMONICS switch and the BASS MODE control you can now
adapt the bass sound to the program material and to your personal sound perception. With the FREQUENCY
control you adjust the highest frequency of the program material which is sent to the subharmonic synthesizer.
It thereby also governs the highest frequency reproduced by the subwoofer if one is attached.
Generally speaking, the setting of the FREQUENCY and DYNAMIC PUNCH controls is
dependent on the program material. The setting of the SUBHARMONICS switch is dependent
on the capabilities of the loudspeaker or subwoofer system. The setting of the BASS MODE
control is dependent on you, the listener.
Most important rule is to take familiar material and experiment at home or before actually use to get the feel of
the ULTRABASS PRO and what the unit can do for you.
2.2 Systems with Subwoofer
Fig. 2.2: The ULTRABASS PRO in a system with subwoofer
In this application, the low-range frequencies are reproduced both by the main speakers and by an additional
subwoofer. A subwoofer is a special loudspeaker for the transmission of low-frequency signals and serves as
an additional loudspeaker to improve the system response in the bass range.
For this purpose, the ULTRABASS PRO is equipped with an additional subwoofer output, which only provides
the original low-range frequencies and the newly generated subharmonics within a frequency range from 15 to
90 Hz. The subwoofer output is a mono output, since low-frequency signals contain virtually no directional
information. Nevertheless, the subwoofer should be positioned centrally to guarantee constant loudness in the
dispersion area.
Since in this application the entire low-frequency range is also reproduced by the main speakers, it should be
ensured that the low-range loudspeakers are not overloaded.
When using a subwoofer with full range speakers, problems can rise in which the speakers
and the subwoofer cancel each other out at certain frequencies and positions. To check this,
walk around the room and listen to the difference between X-OVER switched on and off.
2.3 Multiway Active System
We talk of an active system, if the frequency spectrum is split up into several different ranges, and if specific
loudspeakers are used to reproduce just one selected range from the audio spectrum. Active operation is
particularly useful in large-scale sound systems found in discotheques, cinemas and theatres etc. The
following illustration shows the basic setup for multiway active operation.
The signal is routed from the mixer (or from any other sound source) to the ULTRABASS PRO. By activating
the X-OVER switch, all frequencies below 70 Hz are filtered out and are reproduced by a subwoofer. The
remaining signal is routed via the satellite outputs of the ULTRABASS PRO to the subsequent crossover
networks of the active system, where it is split up into a low and high-frequency range. The crossover is used
to split up the remaining frequency bands even further, and can be omitted in less complex systems using
passive crossovers.
Fig. 2.3: The ULTRABASS PRO in a satellite system
2.4 The ULTRABASS PRO in a Hi-Fi System
The following illustration shows how the ULTRABASS PRO is connected to your hi-fi stereo system. If
possible, insert the unit into the “tape monitor” path, which allows for controlling the sound of all signal sources
connected to the inputs of the amplifier.
Alternatively some integrated amplifiers have special preamp out / power amp in connectors. It is also possible
to connect the ULTRABASS PRO between your CD, cassette player, etc. and your amplifier. In all cases you
will need four cinch-to-jack cables.
Fig. 2.4: The ULTRABASS PRO in a hi-fi system
3.1 The Integrated Frequency Crossover
The BEHRINGER ULTRABASS PRO features an integrated crossover network which permits extraction of the
bass frequencies. In 70 Hz SPLIT mode, all frequencies below 70 Hz are removed from the two main paths,
with a slope of 12 dB/octave. The system is thus operated in a multiway active system. Via the separate
subwoofer output, all bass frequencies can now be routed to a special low-frequency loudspeaker (subwoofer).
When in full range mode, the subwoofer output can be used to enhance the bass produced by the left and right
channel speakers.
When using a subwoofer with full range speakers, problems can arise in which the speakers
and the subwoofer cancel each other out at certain frequencies and positions. To check this,
walk around the room and listen to the difference between X-OVER switched on and off. It is
therefore possible to hear more bass without a subwoofer or by using the crossover function
even with full range speakers.
3.2 The Integrated Limiter
Devices of this kind produce bass frequencies with hazardous levels, which can overload or damage your
loudspeaker systems. For this reason, the ULTRABASS PRO integrates a level limiter which monitors and if
necessary reduces the low-frequency level of the generated output signal. The limiter controls both temporary
signal peaks to avoid distortion, as well as constant overloading to prevent the speakers from being damaged.
If excessive signal levels are detected, the limiter follows the THRESHOLD setting and reduces the output
signal amplitude to a value below distortion. The setting of this control depends on numerous factors, such as
level and low-frequency contents in the program material, overall level, the amplifier’s capacity, the loudspeaker’s
power rating etc. As a rule of thumb it is recommended to adjust the THRESHOLD control so that the first two
LEDs of the gain reduction meter light up. The setting should be checked by ear.
In addition to its function as a protection device, the limiter can also be used as an effect to provide constant
power. For this purpose, the THRESHOLD control is adjusted in such a way that the limiter responds all the
time and thus provides a constant low-frequency level, without losing the dynamic punch of the program
material. In this setup, it should be observed that a correct ratio between the BASS LEVEL and THRESHOLD
controls is maintained.
Be careful when using the ULTRABASS PRO: excessive use can damage your loudspeaker
system. The low-frequency signals produced by the ULTRABASS PRO can highly stress both
amplifier and low-frequency speakers. So, do not exaggerate the effect, use the integrated
limiter and observe the power rating of your system!
4.1 Audio Connections
The audio inputs and outputs on the BEHRINGER ULTRABASS PRO are fully balanced. If possible, connect
the unit to other devices in a balanced configuration to allow for maximum interference immunity.
Please ensure that only qualified persons install and operate the ULTRABASS PRO. During
installation and operation the user must have sufficient electrical contact to earth. Electro-
static charges might affect the operation of the ULTRABASS PRO!
You will find further information in chapter 1.2 “Before you begin”.
Unbalanced use of
Balanced use of
mono 1/4" jack plugs
stereo 1/4" jack plugs
Tip =
Tip =
hot (+ve)
Ring =
cold (-ve)
Sleeve =
Ground / Shield
Sleeve =
Ground / Shield
Strain relief clamp
Strain relief clamp
For connection of balanced and
unbalanced plugs, ring and sleeve have
to be bridged at the stereo plug.
Balanced use with XLR connectors
1 = Ground / Shield
2 = hot (+ve)
3 = cold (-ve)
For unbalanced use pin 1 and pin 3 have to be bridged
Fig. 4.1: Different plug types
Audio input
XLR and 1/4" TRS
RF filtered, servo balanced input
50 kOhms balanced, 25 kOhms unbalanced
+21 dBu balanced and unbalanced (unity gain)
typ. 40 dB, >55 dB @ 1 kHz
Max. input level
Audio output
XLR and 1/4" TRS
electronically servo-balanced output stage. Automatic level correction
for unbalanced use (6 dB).
Max. output level
60 Ohms balanced, 30 Ohms unbalanced
+21 dBu, +20 dBm balanced and unbalanced
System specifications
Frequency response
16 Hz to 150 kHz, +/- 3 dB
>-95 dBu, unweighted, 22 Hz to 22 kHz
0.001 % typ. @ +4 dBu, 1 kHz, Gain 1
0.04 % typ. @ +20 dBu, 1 kHz, Gain 1
0.01 % typ. SMPTE
<-70 dB, 22 Hz to 22 kHz
Satellite high pass filter
butterworth characteristics, 12 dB/Oct.
70 Hz
Cut-off frequency
Subharmonic synthesizer
digital frequency shifter with waveform synthesizer
variable (0 to 6)
LEVEL control
limiter for the subharmonic synthesizer
program dependent
20 dB/s
Attack time
Release time
variable (-6 dB to OFF)
Power supply
Mains voltages
120 V ~, 60 Hz
240 V ~, 50 Hz
230 V ~, 50 Hz
General export model
100-120 V ~ : T 250 mA H
200-240 V ~ : T 125 mA H
max. 20 Watts
100-120 V ~, 200-240 V ~, 50-60 Hz
Power consumption
Mains connection
standard IEC receptacle
Dimension (H, * W, * D)
Net weight
Shipping weight
1 3/4" (44.5 mm) * 19" (482.6 mm) * 8 1/2" (217 mm)
2.2 kg
3.4 kg
BEHRINGER is constantly striving to maintain the highest professional standards. As a result of these efforts, modifications may be
made from time to time to existing products without prior notice. Specifications and appearance may differ from those listed or
To be protected by the extended warranty, the buyer must com-
plete and return the enclosed warranty card within 14 days of
the date of purchase to BEHRINGER Spezielle Studiotechnik
GmbH, in accordance with the conditions stipulated in § 3. Fail-
ure to return the card in due time (date as per postmark) will void
any extended warranty claims.
3. Free inspections and maintenance/repair work are expressly
excluded from this warranty, in particular, if caused by improper
handling of the product by the user.
This also applies to defects caused by normal wear and tear, in
particular, of faders, potentiometers, keys/buttons and similar
Based on the conditions herein, the buyer may also choose to
use the online registration option via the Internet
4. Damages/defects caused by the following conditions are not
covered by this warranty:
misuse, neglect or failure to operate the unit in compliance
with the instructions given in BEHRINGER user or service
1. BEHRINGER (BEHRINGER Spezielle Studiotechnik GmbH in-
cluding all BEHRINGER subsidiaries listed on the enclosed page,
except BEHRINGER Japan) warrants the mechanical and elec-
tronic components of this product to be free of defects in mate-
rial and workmanship for a period of one (1) year from the
original date of purchase, in accordance with the warranty regu-
lations described below. If the product shows any defects within
the specified warranty period that are not due to normal wear
and tear and/or improper handling by the user, BEHRINGER shall,
at its sole discretion, either repair or replace the product.
connection or operation of the unit in any way that does not
comply with the technical or safety regulations applicable in
the country where the product is used.
damages/defects caused by force majeure or any other
condition that is beyond the control of BEHRINGER.
5. Any repair or opening of the unit carried out by unauthorized
personnel (user included) will void the warranty.
6. If an inspection of the product by BEHRINGER shows that the
defect in question is not covered by the warranty, the inspection
costs are payable by the customer.
2. If the warranty claim proves to be justified, the product will be
returned to the user freight prepaid.
3. Warranty claims other than those indicated above are ex-
pressly excluded.
7. Products which do not meet the terms of this warranty will be
repaired exclusively at the buyer’s expense. BEHRINGER will
inform the buyer of any such circumstance. If the buyer fails to
submit a written repair order within 6 weeks after notification,
BEHRINGER will return the unit C.O.D. with a separate invoice
for freight and packing. Such costs will also be invoiced sepa-
rately when the buyer has sent in a written repair order.
1. To obtain warranty service, the buyer (or his authorized dealer)
must call BEHRINGER (see enclosed list) during normal business
hours BEFORE returning the product. All inquiries must be ac-
companied by a description of the problem. BEHRINGER will then
issue a return authorization number.
2. Subsequently, the product must be returned in its original
shipping carton, together with the return authorization number to
the address indicated by BEHRINGER.
This warranty is extended exclusively to the original buyer (cus-
tomer of retail dealer) and is not transferable to anyone who
may subsequently purchase this product. No other person (re-
tail dealer, etc.) shall be entitled to give any warranty promise on
behalf of BEHRINGER.
3. Shipments without freight prepaid will not be accepted.
1. Warranty services will be furnished only if the product is
accompanied by a copy of the original retail dealer’s invoice.
Any product deemed eligible for repair or replacement by
BEHRINGER under the terms of this warranty will be repaired or
replaced within 30 days of receipt of the product at BEHRINGER.
Failure of BEHRINGER to provide proper warranty service shall
not entitle the buyer to claim (consequential) damages. In no
event shall the liability of BEHRINGER exceed the invoiced value
of the product.
2. If the product needs to be modified or adapted in order to
comply with applicable technical or safety standards on a na-
tional or local level, in any country which is not the country for
which the product was originally developed and manufactured,
this modification/adaptation shall not be considered a defect in
materials or workmanship. The warranty does not cover any
such modification/adaptation, irrespective of whether it was
carried out properly or not. Under the terms of this warranty,
BEHRINGER shall not be held responsible for any cost resulting
from such a modification/adaptation.
1. This warranty does not exclude or limit the buyer’s statutory
rights provided by national law, in particular, any such rights
against the seller that arise from a legally effective purchase
2. The warranty regulations mentioned herein are applicable
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